Source: br-presenter/src/br/presenter/PresentationModel.js

 * @module br/presenter/PresentationModel

 * <code>PresentationModel</code> is an abstract base class that all presentation models
 * must extend, and so is not constructed directly.
 * @class
 * @alias module:br/presenter/PresentationModel
 * @extends module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode
 * @classdesc
 * <p>The <code>PresentationModel</code> is used to transform a set of domain models into
 * a form that is tightly aligned with the view that will be used to display and edit those
 * domain models. As a consequence, the view becomes free of all logic, and components can
 * be tested through the presentation model rather than using brittle, click-based testing
 * via the view.</p>
 * <p>Presentation models are built as a tree of {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode}
 * instances, where the root node must extend <code>PresentationModel</code>, which in turn
 * extends {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode}.</p>
br.presenter.PresentationModel = function()
br.Core.extend(br.presenter.PresentationModel, br.presenter.node.PresentationNode);

 * Presentation models can use the {@link module:br/presenter/PresentationModel#getComponentFrame}
 * to receive a reference to the frame containing the {@link module:br/presenter/component/PresenterComponent}
 * that this model resides within.
 * @param {module:br/component/Frame} oComponentFrame The frame within which the
 * presenter component resides.
br.presenter.PresentationModel.prototype.setComponentFrame = function(oComponentFrame)
	this.m_oComponentFrame = oComponentFrame;

 * Presentation models can use this method to receive a reference to the frame
 * containing the {@link module:br/presenter/component/PresenterComponent} that this model
 * resides within.
 * @type br.component.Frame
br.presenter.PresentationModel.prototype.getComponentFrame = function()
	return this.m_oComponentFrame;

 * Returns the presentation model class name.
 * @return Presentation model class name.
 * @type String
br.presenter.PresentationModel.prototype.getClassName = function()
	throw new br.Errors.UnimplementedAbstractMethodError("br.presenter.PresentationModel.getClassName() has not been implemented.");

 * @private
 * @param {String} sPath
br.presenter.PresentationModel.prototype._$setPath = function(oPresenterComponent)
	this.m_sPath = "";
	for(var sChildToBeSet in this)
		var oChildToBeSet = this[sChildToBeSet];
			var sCurrentPath = oChildToBeSet.getPath();
			if(sCurrentPath === undefined)
				oChildToBeSet._$setPath(sChildToBeSet, oPresenterComponent);
				throw new br.Errors.IllegalStateError("'" + sCurrentPath + "' and '" + sChildToBeSet + "' are both references to the same instance in PresentationModel.");
	this.__oPresenterComponent = oPresenterComponent;