Source: br-presenter/src/br/presenter/node/NodeList.js

'use strict';

var Errors = require('br/Errors');
var Core = require('br/Core');
var NodeListListener = require('br/presenter/node/NodeListListener');
var ListenerFactory = require('br/util/ListenerFactory');
var Observable = require('br/util/Observable');
var PresentationNode = require('br/presenter/node/PresentationNode');
var KnockoutNodeList = require('br/presenter/view/knockout/KnockoutNodeList');
var ListenerCompatUtil = require('../util/ListenerCompatUtil');

 * @module br/presenter/node/NodeList

 * Constructs a new instance of <code>NodeList</code> containing the given
 * {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode} instances.
 * @class
 * @alias module:br/presenter/node/NodeList
 * @extends module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode
 * @classdesc
 * <code>NodeList</code> is a {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode}, that is itself a
 * list of presentation nodes.
 * <p>The <code>NodeList</code> class is useful when you have a list of nodes of the same type
 * that all need to be rendered to screen. It supports the case where some or all of the nodes
 * need to be rendered with different templates.</p>
 * <p>The contents of the <code>NodeList</code> class can be modified using the {@link #updateList}
 * method, and this will cause the view to immediately update to reflect the contents of the new
 * list. Node lists whose presentation nodes aren't all rendered with the same template can achieve
 * this by having each of the nodes within the list implement the
 * {@link module:br/presenter/node/TemplateAware} interface.</p>
 * <p>If <code>fNodeClass</code> is provided, then only instances of that class can be added to the
 * node list; An {@link module:br/Errors/CustomError} will be thrown if this is violated.</p>
 * @param {Array} pPresentationNodes The initial array of {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode} instances
 * @param {Function} fNodeClass (optional) The class/interface that all nodes in this list should be an instance of
function NodeList(pPresentationNodes, fNodeClass) {
	// call super constructor;

	/** @private */
	this.m_fPermittedClass = fNodeClass || PresentationNode;

	/** @private */
	this.m_pUpdateListeners = [];

	/** @private */
	this.m_oObservable = new Observable();

	/** @private */
	this.m_oChangeListenerFactory = new ListenerFactory(NodeListListener, 'onNodeListChanged');


Core.extend(NodeList, PresentationNode);
Core.inherit(NodeList, KnockoutNodeList);

 * Returns the list of {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode} instances as an array.
 * @type Array
NodeList.prototype.getPresentationNodesArray = function() {
	return this.m_pItems;

 * Returns the name of the template used to render the given presentation node.
 * @param {module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode} oPresentationNode The presentation node being queried.
 * @type String
NodeList.prototype.getTemplateForNode = function(oPresentationNode) {
	return oPresentationNode.getTemplateName();

 * Updates the node list with a new array of {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode} instances.
 * <p>Care must be taken to always invoke this method when the contents of the node list change. The
 * array returned by {@link #getPresentationNodesArray} should be treated as being immutable.</p>
 * @param {Array} pPresentationNodes The new list of {@link module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode} instances.
NodeList.prototype.updateList = function(pPresentationNodes) {

	for (var i = 0; i < this.m_pUpdateListeners.length; i++) {

	return this;

 * Add a {@link module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener} that will be notified
 * each time the node list is updated.
 * @param {module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener} oListener The listener to be added.
 * @param {boolean} bNotifyImmediately Whether to invoke the listener immediately using the current node list.
 * @type br.presenter.node.NodeList
NodeList.prototype.addListener = function(oListener, bNotifyImmediately) {
	if (!Core.fulfills(oListener, NodeListListener)) {
		throw new Errors.InvalidParametersError('oListener was not an instance of NodeListListener');


	if (bNotifyImmediately) {

	return this;

 * Remove a previously added {@link module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener}.
 * @param {module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener} oListener The listener being removed.
 * @type br.presenter.node.NodeList
NodeList.prototype.removeListener = function(oListener) {
	return this;

 * Remove all previously added {@link module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener} instances.
 * @type br.presenter.node.NodeList
NodeList.prototype.removeAllListeners = function() {
	return this;

 * Convenience method that allows listeners to be added for objects that do
 * not themselves implement {@link module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener}.
 * <p>Listeners added using <code>addChangeListener()</code> will only be notified
 * when {@link module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener#onNodeListChanged} fires, and
 * will not be notified if any of the other
 * {@link module:br/presenter/node/NodeListListener} call-backs fire. The advantage to
 * using this method is that objects can choose to listen to call-back events on multiple
 * node lists.</p>
 * @param {Function} fCallback The call-back that will be invoked each time the property changes.
 * @param {boolean} bNotifyImmediately (optional) Whether to invoke the listener immediately for the current value.
 * @type br.presenter.node.NodeListListener
NodeList.prototype.addChangeListener = function(fCallback, bNotifyImmediately) {
	var oNodeListListener = this.m_oChangeListenerFactory.createListener(fCallback);
	this.addListener(oNodeListListener, bNotifyImmediately);

	return oNodeListListener;

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._$getObservable = function() {
	return this.m_oObservable;

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._$setPath = function(sPath, oPresenterComponent) {
	this.m_sPath = sPath;
	this.__oPresenterComponent = oPresenterComponent;

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._$clearNodePaths = function() {
	for (var i = 0; i < this.m_pItems.length; i++) {

	this.m_sPath = undefined;

// *********************** Private Methods ***********************

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._getNodes = function(sNodeName, pPropertyList, pNodes) {
	for (var i = 0, l = this.m_pItems.length; i < l; ++i) {
		var oPresentationNode = this.m_pItems[i];

		if (this._nodeMatchesQuery(oPresentationNode, i, sNodeName, pPropertyList)) {

		oPresentationNode._getNodes(sNodeName, pPropertyList, pNodes);

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._copyAndCheckNodes = function(pNodes) {
	var pResult = [];
	if (!pNodes || !pNodes.length) return pResult;

	for (var i = 0; i < pNodes.length; i++) {
		var oNode = pNodes[i];
		if (this.m_fPermittedClass && !(oNode instanceof this.m_fPermittedClass)) {
			var msg = 'Each nodelist item needs to implement br.presenter.node.PresentationNode or a valid fNodeClass';
			throw new Errors.CustomError(Error.UNIMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE, msg);

	return pResult;

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._copiesAndChecksNodesAndClearsNodePaths = function(pPresentationNodes) {
	this.m_pItems = this._copyAndCheckNodes(pPresentationNodes);

	for (var i = 0; i < this.m_pItems.length; i++) {

 * @private
NodeList.prototype._setPathsOfNewlyAddedNodes = function() {
	if (this.getPath() !== undefined) {
		for (var i = 0; i < this.m_pItems.length; i++) {
			this.m_pItems[i]._$setPath(this.getPath() + '.' + i, this.__oPresenterComponent);

NodeList.prototype.addChangeListener = ListenerCompatUtil.enhance(NodeList.prototype.addChangeListener);

module.exports = NodeList;