'use strict';
var MapUtility = require('br/util/MapUtility');
var PresentationNode = require('br/presenter/node/PresentationNode');
var Core = require('br/Core');
var FieldValuePropertyListener = require('br/presenter/node/FieldValuePropertyListener');
var ValidSelectionValidator = require('br/presenter/validator/ValidSelectionValidator');
var Errors = require('br/Errors');
var EditableProperty = require('br/presenter/property/EditableProperty');
var Property = require('br/presenter/property/Property');
var OptionsNodeList = require('br/presenter/node/OptionsNodeList');
var WritableProperty = require('br/presenter/property/WritableProperty');
* @module br/presenter/node/SelectionField
* Constructs a new instance of <code>SelectionField</code>.
* @class
* @alias module:br/presenter/node/SelectionField
* @extends module:br/presenter/node/PresentationNode
* @classdesc
* A <code>PresentationNode</code> containing all of the attributes necessary to
* model a selection field on screen.
* <p>Selection fields can be rendered using a number of different controls:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>radio buttons</li>
* <li>select box</li>
* <li>combo box</li>
* <li>toggle switch (only when there are exactly two options)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>By default, selection fields automatically add a validator for the case where the
* currently entered {@link #value} isn't one of the available {@link #options} — this can
* occur when you render the selection field using a combo box, or the underlying options
* change so the currently selected value is no longer an available option. You can disable these
* validation errors by invoking {@link #allowInvalidSelections} with <code>true</code>.</p>
* @param {Object} vOptions The list of available options, either using an array, a map or an {@link module:br/presenter/node/OptionsNodeList}.
* @param {Object} vValue (optional) The initial value of the field, either using a primitive type or an {@link module:br/presenter/property/EditableProperty}.
function SelectionField(vOptions, vValue) {
/** @private */
this.m_bAutomaticallyUpdateValueWhenOptionsChange = false;
* The textual label associated with the selection field.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.label = new WritableProperty('');
* The currently selected option, or potentially any string the user has entered if being displayed with a combo-box.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.value = null;
* A boolean property that is <code>true</code> if {@link #value} has any validation errors, and <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.hasError = new WritableProperty(false);
* A textual description of the currently failing validation message when {@link #hasError} is <code>true</code>.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.failureMessage = new WritableProperty();
* A boolean property representing whether the selection field is enabled or not.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.enabled = new WritableProperty(true);
* A boolean property representing whether the selection field is visible or not.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.visible = new WritableProperty(true);
* The logical control-name the selection field is being bound to — this
* value will appear within the <code>name</code> attribute if being bound to a native HTML control.
* @type br.presenter.property.WritableProperty
this.controlName = new WritableProperty('');
* The current list of options the user can select from.
* @type br.presenter.node.OptionsNodeList
this.options = (vOptions instanceof OptionsNodeList) ? vOptions : new OptionsNodeList(vOptions);
if ((vValue instanceof Property) && !(vValue instanceof EditableProperty)) {
throw new Errors.InvalidParametersError("SelectionField constructor: can't pass non-editable property as parameter");
/** @private */
this.m_vDefaultValue = null;
if (vValue instanceof EditableProperty) {
this.m_vDefaultValue = vValue.getValue();
this.value = vValue;
} else {
if (vValue === undefined) {
var oFirstOption = this.options.getFirstOption(); // could be null
this.m_vDefaultValue = oFirstOption ? oFirstOption.value.getValue() : null;
} else {
this.m_vDefaultValue = vValue;
this.value = new EditableProperty(this.m_vDefaultValue);
/** @private */
this.m_oValidSelectionValidator = new ValidSelectionValidator(this.options);
/** @private */
this.m_oValueListener = new FieldValuePropertyListener(this);
// validate the initial values
* The current text value of the selected option's label.
* @type {br.presenter.property.Property}
this.selectedOptionLabel = new Property();
this.value.addChangeListener(this._updateSelectedOptionLabel.bind(this), true);
Core.extend(SelectionField, PresentationNode);
* Whether the selection field displays a validation error if the selected {@link #value} is not a member of
* the {@link #options} array.
* <p>Invalid selections cause validation errors by default, but this may not always be the desired behaviour,
* for example if the <code>SelectionField</code> is being displayed using a combo-box, where the {@link #options}
* are acting merely as suggestions, rather than as the absolute set of options.</p>
* @param {boolean} bAllowInvalidSelections Invalid selections are allowed when set to <code>true</code>.
SelectionField.prototype.allowInvalidSelections = function(bAllowInvalidSelections) {
* Whether the selection field automatically picks a new {@link #value} when the underlying {@link #options}
* change.
* <p>If the underlying {@link #options} change, so that the new list of {@link #options} no longer includes
* the currently selected {@link #value}, a validation error will be displayed by default. In some circumstances,
* it may make sense to have the selection field automatically pick a new value automatically.</p>
* @param {boolean} bAutomaticallyUpdate
* @see #allowInvalidSelections
SelectionField.prototype.automaticallyUpdateValueWhenOptionsChange = function(bAutomaticallyUpdate) {
this.m_bAutomaticallyUpdateValueWhenOptionsChange = bAutomaticallyUpdate;
* @private
SelectionField.prototype._automaticallyUpdateValueOnOptionsChange = function() {
if (!this.m_bAutomaticallyUpdateValueWhenOptionsChange) {
} else {
var pOptions = this.options.getOptions();
if (pOptions.length > 0) {
var mOptions = MapUtility.addArrayToMap({}, pOptions);
// if the currently selected value is no longer one of the available options, then revert to default or the first available option
if (!mOptions[this.value.getValue()]) {
var vNewValue = (mOptions[this.m_vDefaultValue]) ? this.m_vDefaultValue : pOptions[0].value.getValue();
var oValueProperty = this.value;
/** @private */
SelectionField.prototype._updateSelectedOptionLabel = function() {
var selectedOption = this.options.getOptionByValue(this.value.getValue());
if (selectedOption) {
} else {
module.exports = SelectionField;