Source: br-presenter/src/br/presenter/node/AutoCompleteProvider.js

'use strict';

var Errors = require('br/Errors');

 * @module br/presenter/node/AutoCompleteProvider

 * @class
 * @interface
 * @alias module:br/presenter/node/AutoCompleteProvider
 * @classdesc Provides an interface for a provider that can provide auto complete suggestions, typically used
 * with an {@link module:br/presenter/node/AutoCopleteSelectionField}.
function AutoCompleteProvider() {

 * Provides the callback with a list of options that match the sTerm.
 * Note that the sTerm will be used in a "term*" pattern.
 * @param {String} sTerm The term to search.
 * @param {Function} The callback to provide the array of found options as the first argument.
AutoCompleteProvider.prototype.getList = function(sTerm, fCallback) {
	throw new Errors.CustomError(Errors.UNIMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE, 'br.presenter.node.AutoCompleteProvider.getList() has not been implemented.');

 * Returns True if the specified option is a valid and selectable option.
 * @param {String} sOption The option to check.
 * @type boolean
 * @return True if the option is selectable, false otherwise.
AutoCompleteProvider.prototype.isValidOption = function(sValue) {
	throw new Errors.CustomError(Errors.UNIMPLEMENTED_INTERFACE, 'br.presenter.node.AutoCompleteProvider.getList() has not been implemented.');

module.exports = AutoCompleteProvider;