Source: br-presenter/src/br/presenter/property/Property.js

'use strict';

var Formatter = require('br/presenter/formatter/Formatter');
var Core = require('br/Core');
var PropertyListener = require('br/presenter/property/PropertyListener');
var ListenerFactory = require('br/util/ListenerFactory');
var Observable = require('br/util/Observable');
var Errors = require('br/Errors');
var KnockoutProperty = require('br/presenter/view/knockout/KnockoutProperty');
var ListenerCompatUtil = require('../util/ListenerCompatUtil');

 * @module br/presenter/property/Property

 * Constructs a new <code>Property</code> instance &mdash; you will probably never want to
 * construct a <code>Property</code> yourself since they are not writable.
 * @class
 * @alias module:br/presenter/property/Property
 * @classdesc
 * Instances of <code>Property</code> are used to store all the values held within a
 * presentation model.
 * <p>Each value within a presentation model is stored within a single <code>Property</code>
 * instance, and updates to properties are displayed immediately within the view. The displayed
 * value may be formatted prior to display if any formatters have been added using the
 * {@link #addFormatter} method.</p>
 * <p>A few varieties of property are available:</p>
 * <dl>
 *   <dt>{@link module:br/presenter/property/Property}:</dt>
 *   <dd>Used for properties that are not writable by the end-developer, and whose value is
 *	 updated automatically on behalf of the end-developer.</dd>
 *   <dt>{@link module:br/presenter/property/WritableProperty}:</dt>
 *   <dd>Used for properties that are completely accessible to the end-developer, but which
 *	 are not editable by the end-user.</dd>
 *   <dt>{@link module:br/presenter/property/EditableProperty}:</dt>
 *   <dd>Used for properties that need to be editable by the end-user, and writable by the
 *	 end-developer.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @param {Object} vValue (optional) The default value for this property.
function Property(vValue) {;

	if (vValue instanceof Array) {
		if (this._containsPresentationNode(vValue)) {
			throw new Errors.InvalidParametersError('Array passed into property instance contains a PresentationNode, use NodeList instead.');

	/** @private */
	this.m_vValue = vValue;

	/** @private */
	this.m_pFormatters = [];

	/** @private */
	this.m_oObservable = new Observable();

	/** @private */
	this.m_oChangeListenerFactory = new ListenerFactory(PropertyListener, 'onPropertyChanged');

	/** @private */
	this.m_oUpdateListenerFactory = new ListenerFactory(PropertyListener, 'onPropertyUpdated');

Core.extend(Property, KnockoutProperty);

 * Returns the unformatted value for this property.
 * @type Object
Property.prototype.getValue = function() {
	return this.m_vValue;

 * @private
Property.prototype._$setInternalValue = function(vValue) {
	var vOldValue = this.m_vValue;
	var bBothValuesAreNaN = false;
	this.m_vValue = vValue;

	if (typeof vOldValue === 'number' && isNaN(vOldValue) && typeof this.m_vValue === 'number' && isNaN(this.m_vValue)) {
		bBothValuesAreNaN = true;


	if (vOldValue !== this.m_vValue && bBothValuesAreNaN === false) {

	return this;

 * Returns the formatted value for this property if any formatters have been attached,
 * otherwise returns the raw property value.
 * @type Object
Property.prototype.getFormattedValue = function() {
	var sFormattedValue = this.m_vValue;

	for (var i = 0, l = this.m_pFormatters.length; i < l; ++i) {
		var oFormatterPair = this.m_pFormatters[i];
		sFormattedValue = oFormatterPair.formatter.format(sFormattedValue, oFormatterPair.config);

	return sFormattedValue;

 * Returns the rendered value after applying any active formatters,
 * otherwise returns the raw property value.
 * @type Object
Property.prototype.getRenderedValue = function() {
	return this.getValue();

 * Returns the path that would be required to bind this property from the view.
 * <p>This method is used internally, but might also be useful in allowing the dynamic
 * construction of views for arbitrary presentation models.</p>
 * @type String
Property.prototype.getPath = function() {
	return this.m_sPath;

 * Add a {@link module:br/presenter/formatter/Formatter} that will be applied to the property before it's
 * rendered to screen.
 * <p>Any number of formatters can be added to a property, and will be applied in the same
 * order in which the formatters were added.</p>
 * @param {module:br/presenter/formatter/Formatter} oFormatter The formatter being added.
 * @param {Object} mConfig (optional) Any additional configuration for the formatter.
 * @type
Property.prototype.addFormatter = function(oFormatter, mConfig) {
	if (!Core.fulfills(oFormatter, Formatter)) {
		throw new Errors.InvalidParametersError('oFormatter was not an instance of Formatter');

	var oFormatterPair = {
		formatter: oFormatter,
		config: mConfig
	return this;

 * Add a {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener} that will be notified
 * each time the property is updated.
 * @param {module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener} oListener The listener to be added.
 * @param {boolean} bNotifyImmediately Whether to invoke the listener immediately using the current value.
 * @type
Property.prototype.addListener = function(oListener, bNotifyImmediately) {
	if (!Core.fulfills(oListener, PropertyListener)) {
		throw new Errors.InvalidParametersError('oListener was not an instance of PropertyListener');


	if (bNotifyImmediately) {

	return this;

 * Remove a previously added {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener}.
 * @param {module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener} oListener The listener being removed.
 * @type
Property.prototype.removeListener = function(oListener) {
	return this;

 * Remove all previously added {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener} instances.
 * @type
Property.prototype.removeAllListeners = function() {
	return this;

 * Convenience method that allows a change listener to be added to added for objects
 * that do not themselves implement {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener}.
 * <p>Listeners added using <code>addChangeListener()</code> will only be notified
 * when {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener#onPropertyChanged} fires, and
 * will not be notified if any of the other
 * {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener} call-backs fire. The advantage to
 * using this method is that objects can choose to listen to call-back events on multiple
 * properties.</p>
 * <p>We also allow <code>oListener</code> and <code>sMethod</code> to be used in place of
 * <code>fCallback</code>, but this form is now deprecated as it's imcompatible with
 * Closure Compiler's property renaming feature.</p>
 * @param {Function} fCallback The call-back that will be invoked each time the property changes.
 * @param {boolean} [bNotifyImmediately] (optional) Whether to invoke the listener immediately for the current value.
 * @type
Property.prototype.addChangeListener = function(fCallback, bNotifyImmediately) {
	var oPropertyListener = this.m_oChangeListenerFactory.createListener(fCallback, bNotifyImmediately);
	this.addListener(oPropertyListener, bNotifyImmediately);

	return oPropertyListener;

 * Convenience method that allows an update listener to be added to added for objects
 * that do not themselves implement {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener}.
 * <p>Listeners added using <code>addUpdateListener()</code> will only be notified
 * when {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener#onPropertyUpdated} fires, and
 * will not be notified if any of the other
 * {@link module:br/presenter/property/PropertyListener} call-backs fire. The advantage to
 * using this method is that objects can choose to listen to call-back events on multiple
 * properties.</p>
 * <p>We also allow <code>oListener</code> and <code>sMethod</code> to be used in place of
 * <code>fCallback</code>, but this form is now deprecated as it's imcompatible with
 * Closure Compiler's property renaming feature.</p>
 * @param {Function} fCallback The call-back that will be invoked each time the property is updated.
 * @param {boolean} bNotifyImmediately (optional) Whether to invoke the listener immediately for the current value.
 * @type
Property.prototype.addUpdateListener = function(fCallback, bNotifyImmediately) {
	var oPropertyListener = this.m_oUpdateListenerFactory.createListener(fCallback, bNotifyImmediately);
	this.addListener(oPropertyListener, bNotifyImmediately);

	return oPropertyListener;

 * @private
Property.prototype._$setPath = function(sPath) {
	this.m_sPath = sPath;

 * @private
Property.prototype._$getObservable = function() {
	return this.m_oObservable;

 * @private
Property.prototype._containsPresentationNode = function(pValues) {
	for (var idx = 0, max = pValues.length; idx < max; idx++) {
		if (pValues[idx] instanceof PresentationNode) {
			return true;

	return false;

Property.prototype.addChangeListener = ListenerCompatUtil.enhance(Property.prototype.addChangeListener);
Property.prototype.addUpdateListener = ListenerCompatUtil.enhance(Property.prototype.addUpdateListener);

module.exports = Property;

var PresentationNode = require('br/presenter/node/PresentationNode');