Source: br-test/src/br/test/TestFixture.js

'use strict';

 * @module br/test/TestFixture

var br = require('br/Core');
var Errors = require('br/Errors');
var Fixture = require('br/test/Fixture');
var ViewFixture = require('br/test/ViewFixture');

 * @private
 * @class
 * @alias module:br/test/TestFixture
function TestFixture(gwtTestRunner) {
	this.m_oGwtTestRunner = gwtTestRunner;
br.inherit(TestFixture, Fixture);

TestFixture.prototype.canHandleExactMatch = function() {
	return false;

TestFixture.prototype.canHandleProperty = function(property) {
	return property == 'continuesFrom';

TestFixture.prototype.addSubFixtures = function(fixtureRegistry) {
	fixtureRegistry.addFixture('page', new ViewFixture('body'));

TestFixture.prototype.doGiven = function(propertyName, value) {
	// Note: this line is needed to overcome a strange bug in IE that otherwise causes the exceptions thrown
	// within startingContinuesFrom() to be converted into a TypeError
	var startingContinuesFrom = window.startingContinuesFrom;

TestFixture.prototype.doWhen = function(propertyName, value) {
	throw new Errors.InvalidTestError('when is not supported by TestFixture');

TestFixture.prototype.doThen = function(propertyName, value) {
	throw new Errors.InvalidTestError('then is not supported by TestFixture');

module.exports = TestFixture;